Average Black versus white IQ

Bristolblog.com Crime Reports

by Lewis Loflin

Welcome to my website. Here I will address issues others are afraid to bring up.

Total of 461,540 violent crimes in 2020. First problem is white and Hispanics are combined. Hispanics (18.3% population) on average commit 3 times the violent crime of whites (alone 60%) So half the white rate is Hispanic. 36.2% Black; ~30% Hispanic; ~30% white; other 4.4%.

To quote the New York Post April 26, 2023:

In 2021, 87% of all non-lethal interracial violent crimes committed between blacks and whites in the US were black-on-white — 480,030 incidents with a black offender and white victim, and 69,850 incidents with a white offender and black victim, or seven times as many black-on-white as white-on-black incidents of interracial non-lethal violence.

To quote another source:

Including homicide victims in 2019 where the race was unknown, 53.7% were black or African-American, 41.6% were white, 3% were of other races, and 1.7% were of unknown races. The per-capita offending rate for African-Americans was roughly eight times higher than that of whites, and their victim rate was similar.

Note that "white" also includes Hispanic.

Our ruling class, represented by both political parties, is progressive and corporatist. They practice a de-facto fusion of business and state, including globalism, and believe society should be regulated through the State for your own good.

Their two main weapons to assert this control is critical race theory to divide the people, and critical climate theory so government can seize in the shadows control of the economy, undermine property rights. Both are instruments to reshape society in a more malleable form to further consolidate power.

The real fight is to control of the administrative state or the "deep state." They wield the most political power by employing two million Federal workers and millions more at the state and local levels.

The head of the administrative state snake is our elite universities. Their graduates are poisoned by campus social science garbage. They form an isolated, arrogant class among themselves even to the point of marrying each other.

For example through the EPA and assorted "climate" legislation they can seize control of energy supplies and food supplies. In nations such as Holland and Ireland there are demands to destroy farming and live stock in the name of "global warming.".

The DOJ, FBI, etc. are acting as the East German Stasi, most of the media and press as an American Pravda.

They have decided to mostly not enforce immigration crime, street crime, drug trafficking, etc.

Enforcement is arbitrary and politicized. Riot and burn down cities in the of race, few if any arrests. Read a Bible in front of an abortion clinic or children's drag show, arrested.

Evidence has come to light that government agencies in fact have partnered to private sector actors to silence citizens, cost them their jobs, etc.

But they do try to enforce censorship and prosecute political crimes, including thought crimes.

A survey by Roxy Amirazizi (2021) reports almost 80% of Americans fear "Corrupt government officials."

The New York Times Opinion / Siena College Poll (2022): Free Speech in America:
84% Say Americans being Afraid to Exercise Freedom of Speech is a Serious Problem;
Over Half Have Held their Tongue due to Concern over Retaliation, Criticism;
Pluralities Less Free Today than 10 Years Ago to Speak on Politics, Race.

Only 34% Say All Americans Completely Enjoy Freedom of Speech;
And Progressive fascist: 30% Call for Shutting Down Anti-democratic, Bigoted or Untrue Speech.

I have renamed the FBI to Fascist Bureau of Investigation.

See Origins of the Administrative State Fascism

Philadelphia Hate Crimes against whites.
See Gun Crime in Philadelphia and Norfolk Virginia

 Christopher Wayne Bennett

Johnson City Carjacking, Rape

Johnson City, Tennessee: police arrested Christopher Wayne Bennett for carjacking, kidnapping, rape, and other charges. The incident started at an ATM at 1800 West Market Street. Bennett pulled a knife on a young mother with a 1-year-old in the car.

He forced her to drive to an abandoned house, forced her out of the car into the home, then allegedly raped her. He drove off with her vehicle dumping the victim and child at the abandoned house. A judge ordered Bennett held on a $121,500 bond. Source: www.wcyb.com 9/29/2022.

Black criminal Chris Copeland

Black Male Executes Asian Store Clerk

Feral Black male Chris Copeland (26) executed store clerk Parmvir Singh in Tupelo, Mississippi.

The latest victim of black violence was another Asian. The Daily Journal Sep 13, 2022 reported that Copeland ordered Singh to neal then "walked up behind a compliant convenience store clerk Sunday morning and shot him in the back of the head." Copeland faces capital murder charges without bond.

Quavon Ewing

Racial Equity Lead to Attacks on Three Women

Chicago September 28, 2022: Quavon Ewing is a convicted sexual predator. Arrested for failure to appear, additional charges for failing to register as a sex offender got added to the long list of crimes. He was released the next day. Within hours this savage attacked three women.

He beat up one woman and attempted to kidnap another woman. For the third woman, he poured a bottle of urine on her.

To quote Fox32 Chicago: "Ewing has been arrested dozens of times and has multiple felony convictions, including for aggravated criminal sexual abuse, aggravated battery to a peace officer, and aggravated criminal sexual abuse."

Why was this animal not in prison? Why is this judge allowed to be on the bench? All for racial equity! Long live Saint George Floyd!

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