
Green Socialism a Threat to Liberty

by Lewis Loflin

We all know according to the press and government talking heads we are facing critical energy shortages and the earth is heating up and the polar bears will all drown. The oil and gas industries too proclaim economic Armageddon if we don't "drill baby drill" on every square inch of public lands and give it away for free to Wall Street. And the energy industry needs billions in subsidies to save us while environmentalists need billions to save the planet from us as they promote their Sustainability dogma.

But why is the energy industry and the environmentalists alike pushing false information on really non-existent energy shortages? Big energy can use this fear to bypass fanatical environmentalists and gain billions in government concessions and subsidies.

The Greenies can force inefficient and costly wind and solar down the public's throat in addition to billions in government subsidies and government handouts. It's about money. For environmentalists it's to promote the pseudo-religious dogma better described as Mother Earth News on crack cocaine.

Why such fanaticism over this issue? The Left sees this as a way to gain absolute power over all facets of society. Energy is the lifeblood of a modern technical society and they who control energy controls everybody. We have elements of socialism combined with a type Mother Earth spiritualism.

Who is driving this environmental agenda in the New River Valley?

The presence of Virginia Tech and Radford College are the economies that drive the New River Valley region and Greenie dogma dominates these institutions. Membership in something called Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) includes VA Tech, Radford, Emory & Henry College in Washington County, East Tennessee State University in Johnson City, and Virginia Western Community College in Roanoke. It's a program of indoctrination. To quote,

Radford University is a member of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE), one of three co-organizers for the American College & University Presidents' Climate Commitment. AASHE is the first North American professional association for those working on campus sustainability issues. It promotes ideas and shares resources among members and their communities.

Campuses that address the climate challenge by reducing global warming emissions and by integrating sustainability into their curriculum will better serve their students and meet their social mandate to help create a thriving, ethical and civil society. Higher education has an obligation to lead in creating a healthy, just, and sustainable society. (More social justice Marxism)

It is essential that campus climate action plans address the curricular component of this problem by making climate change and sustainability a part of the curriculum and other educational experience for all students. Curriculum changes should involve all students given the critical nature of the climate and sustainability challenges we face and the urgent need for future professionals, leaders and citizens in all disciplines to be engaged and part of the solution to these problems.

This is nothing but indoctrination. Regardless of how one views so-called "climate change" this is about a pseudo-religious belief system and scientific inquiry be damned. Again to quote, "will better serve their students and meet their social mandate to help create a thriving, ethical and civil society."


Green Indoctrination

There will be a percentage of the affluent move in retirees that are going to join environmentalists and I'm sure others will want further development curbed because they have theirs and like it as is.

Sustainable development and Greenism in general has become the new secular religion. It's as strong a belief to it's followers as Jesus Christ is to Evangelical Christians. One simply doesn't question Christ or the Gaia priesthood. It's an arrogant fundamentalist' religion that has none of the "tolerance" that Leftism claims to promote.

First, their dogmatic statement of belief:

We, the undersigned presidents and chancellors of colleges and universities, are deeply concerned about the unprecedented scale and speed of global warming and its potential for large-scale, adverse health, social, economic and ecological effects. We recognize the scientific consensus that global warming is real and is largely being caused by humans.

This quote says it all from Inside Higher Ed April 8, 2009:

The 12-part, 100-plus page guide, "Climate Planning for Campuses: A How To Guide," is intended as a sort of road map. The guide includes details on a variety of different greenhouse gas mitigation strategies and tactics, plus sections on creating an institutional structure to support a climate action plan, determining a baseline carbon footprint, setting emissions targets and measuring progress, financing climate action, and implementing the plan....

The guide also suggests holding an annual climate action summit and, in the event that a supportive president leaves, has this advice. "[I]t is imperative that campus supporters of your climate commitment and [climate action plan] strongly insist that the selection process for new campus leaders include a climate action 'litmus test.' While all new college and university leaders can be expected to bring to their job a list of their own priorities, it is essential that climate protection and climate leadership be among their top concerns."

This is totalitarian to its core stripping most people of their individual liberties and private property rights.

With this almost cult-like culture of Sustainability and the presence of these colleges' radicalized faculty and indoctrinated student bodies will no doubt in combination with many retirees force this dogma on everyone else. This is not the Appalachian culture they so claim to want to protect, it's their culture they are replacing our traditional values with and if one doesn't like it, too bad. They are dogmatic as hell and have no tolerance for those "deniers" of the new faith of Gaian socialism.

From the New River Valley Citizens Coalition August 11, 2011

Blacksburg Denies Following United Nations Orders

Ignoring repeated protests from property owners at the August 9th meeting the Blacksburg Town Council approved incorporating eight Urban Development Areas into the master Comprehensive Plan. Although not required to approve the state mandated UDA's until July 2012, the Council ignored requests to defer the action amid pleas for more public knowledge and debate.

In discussion before voting unanimous approval, Council members assured the public that the Town is not required to follow directives from ICLEI or the United Nations. A member of the International Council for Local Environmental Issues (ICLEI) since 2007, the Council denied any imperative associated with the UN affiliate, themselves taking credit for the adoption of land use plans that involve the controversial designation of "mixed use" areas, with "infill" as a pervading characteristic. The Council also defends their arbitrary decision to join the "Cool Cities" alliance as well as adopt the "Sustainable Blacksburg" initiative.

Outraged that Sustainable Blacksburg members received an email alert to attend the meeting in support of the Council's pre-determined decision to adopt the ordinance while the stronger showing of property owners had been blatantly denied the opportunity to be on the Agenda to voice their concerns about the effects on property values prior to the vote. The Council also defends their arbitrary decision to join the "Cool Cities" alliance as well as adopt the "Sustainable Blacksburg" initiative, despite the lack of input from residents.

For more information contact: 540-392-4150

Webmaster comments

Two of the speakers supporting this were college students. They are not from here, one of them I knew was from Northern Virginia getting a degree in environmental planning. (In other words a bureaucrat parasite job so many of these people go into.) The presence of Virginia Tech and Radford University are the economies that drive the New River Valley region and they have an agenda.

I went and reviewed the proceedings on the provided link. In fact I met several of the people that spoke before the town council. It's pretty obvious the approval was planned in advance, the public hearing was a legal formality. The opponents had reasonable objections and my first question is if they don't have to follow ICLEI then why are they spending public dollars to join them?

The reality is these comprehensive plans whatever is on them is a joke. The boards of supervisors or town councils don't have to follow them anyway and can change them at any time. The second problem is they can vote ICLEI regulations anytime they want. Presently they are not taking orders from the UN or ICLEI because that has been filtered in various forms through HUD.

They claim they don't have to follow them, that claim is correct. The argument that higher density housing does save considerable cost for local governments in supplying utilities, etc. is true. They claim up to 70%. They can't extend this outside their boundaries anymore than the Town of Abingdon can into Washington County Virginia. The fact is we have been losing individual property rights for decades.

They claimed this won't effect present property owners, etc. That is nonsense. That kind of restrictive development will hyper-inflate property values in the areas they allow development while depressing others. These plans for higher density housing simply won't include single family homes which will become unaffordable.

It will drive up property taxes, etc. and who knows how many will sell out when the land is more valuable for "affordable" (Section 9 welfare) housing that nobody in their right mind wants to live near, but there's nowhere to move to because the whole surrounding area has become a park. Everyone of these plans call for lots of Section 9 housing.

This is going to reap millions for the right people and will trap many into another social engineering nightmare. I agree with another speaker that referred to urban renewal and how that turned out.

Posted August 11, 2011


For the first time in 20 years, the USA saw more record cold temperatures than record hot temperatures in 2013, according to statistics from the National Climatic Data Center.

"For the first year since 1993, there were more daily record lows than daily highs that were either tied or set in 2013," reported Weather Channel meteorologist Guy Walton, who keeps track of the data from the climate center.

Through Dec. 28, there have been 11,852 daily record lows in 2013, compared with 10,073 daily record highs, according to Walton.

A "daily" record occurs when a specific location sets a record high or low temperature for a particular day; other types of records include monthly and all-time.

Walton said that an unusually cold spring was the main factor in the "cool" 2013.


Antarctica sets low temperature record of -135.8 degrees...

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